The newly aired Budweiser “Puppy Love” Super Bowl commercial, sequel to last years commercial titled “Brotherhood” has to be the best and cutest commercial I have seen to date. I know that some people will disagree and say that was a wildly grandiose statement but I wholeheartedly stand by it. If you haven’t watched the commercial in question below that’s your first problem; if you have, you A) either agree with me, or B) have a little piece of coal for a heart. Just kidding, well to a degree.
For me, two of my favorite things: puppies and horses, are featured in this commercial making me slightly impartial and consequently, it easily and quickly rose in rank in my heart. Featuring no spoken words but depicts the growing love and friendship between a golden retriever puppy available for adoption and a neighboring Clydesdale,”Puppy love” fuses heart warming videography with the song “Let Her Go” to create an absolutely idyllic story and advertisement. Pessimist may question the ease of which the puppy keeps escaping under the fence, or how this puppy/horse story directly translates to selling Budweiser — but we’re not pessimists, nor is our concern selling beer and therefore decidedly looked past these points. The puppy’s resilience and determination to be with his horsey “#bestbuds” as Budweiser has trademarked, is a lesson which us humans should translate and apply to our every day lives. Okay, okay, i’ll admit that was a indeed far fetched … but regardless watch it yourself, and leave us your comments below.